Paying with your bank account or wire transfer

We accept bank transfers via bank transfer networks as well as wire transfers. We recommend paying with your bank account directly over using a credit card or PayPal. We support ACH, SEPA, BACS, and wire transfer. As of August 1, 2022, we no longer provide any discounts for any payments made by bank transfer.

Currently, we only support taking bank accounts from the United States, European Union, European Economic Area, and United Kingdom. Furthermore, depending on in which country your bank account is located, only certain currencies will be accepted. Currencies accepted per country:

  • U.S. bank accounts: United States Dollar (USD)
  • UK bank accounts: Pound Sterling (GBP)
  • EU bank accounts: Euro (EUR)

United States

Follow these instructions to start paying with your U.S. bank account:

  1. To get started, select the U.S. Bank Account payment method option when making your order.
  2. Once you've ordered your product, visit the unpaid invoice and press the green "Pay Now" button. You will be brought to a page where you can securely sign in to your bank account with Plaid. (We won't ever store any of your bank credentials on our servers.)
  3. After authorizing with Plaid, we'll be able to charge against your bank account.
  4. Once the payment is processed (which happens in a few minutes if not in seconds), you'll be able to use your product.

If the process to draw money from your bank account is taking too long, you can use a credit card instead for just your first payment, and then use your bank account for future payments.

European Union and EEA (SEPA)

Follow these instructions to start paying with your EU/EEA bank account:

  1. To get started, select the SEPA payment method option when making your order.
  2. Once you've ordered your product, visit the unpaid invoice and press the green "Pay Now" button. You will be brought to a page where you can provide your IBAN and set up direct debit from your bank account. You can choose to stop the charge at any time.
  3. After authorizing, we'll be able to charge against your bank account.
  4. Once the payment is authorized (which happens in a few minutes if not in seconds), you'll be able to use your product even as the payment is pending.
  5. If your payment bounces or is disputed, there will be a €10 bounced payment fee, and your wiki won't be usable until the payment situation is resolved.

United Kingdom

Follow these instructions to start paying with your UK bank account:

  1. To get started, select the UK Bank Account payment method option when making your order.
  2. Once you've ordered your product, visit the unpaid invoice. There, our bank account details are listed. You will need to send the amount listed in the invoice to the bank account. Please use the sort code/account number whenever possible. Only use the IBAN when it is the only option. If you can't find these details, you can also visit:
  3. Once we have confirmed that we have received the money on our end, we'll mark your invoice as paid and you'll be able to use your product.

If the process to draw money from your bank account is taking too long, you can use a credit card instead for just your first payment, and then use your bank account for future payments.

Wire transfer

We also accept wire transfers if you are unable to send a payment via the above methods. MyWikis no longer imposes a surcharge on wire transfers. There is usually no additional charge for wire transfers, though fees may be imposed by your bank. Due to the complexity and time-consuming nature of wire transfers, we highly encourage you to use another method of payment.

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