Migration of wikis on our legacy platform to mywikis.net and sunsetting of MyWikis Free

If your wiki has a mywikis.net subdomain and was created in 2018 or later, this article does not apply to your wiki.

By the end of 2020, MyWikis is moving all remaining wikis on our old server provider (legacy platform) to our new server provider (new/current platform). The server provider your wiki uses depends on whether the subdomain is under mywikis.com or mywikis.net. Almost all MyWikis wikis today have subdomains under mywikis.net, which means they are hosted on our new server provider. Prior to 2017, wikis had subdomains under mywikis.com and were hosted on another server provider.

In March and April 2020, our old server provider announced they were ending support for PHP 5, which many older mywikis.com wikis ran on. In response to this, we moved currently-subscribed paid wikis on our legacy platform to our current platform. If your wiki is under a mywikis.com subdomain, your wiki should have been moved under a mywikis.net subdomain on our new platform by now. Should this not be the case, or should you need any further assistance with your wiki after the migration, please let our support team know as soon as possible by opening a support ticket.

By moving your wiki to the mywikis.net platform, you'll get a better experience for your wiki: faster loading times, the latest LTS version of MediaWiki, and more features.

Special note for MyWikis Free wikis

We are currently sunsetting MyWikis Free, a product offered several years ago, in a process that is expected to finish by the end of the 2020 calendar year.

When MyWikis was founded, all wikis were on our free plan. MyWikis wikis created for free between February 2012 and December 31, 2014 without a security deposit are no longer supported and will be deleted on August 1, 2020.

Several years ago, we briefly offered a MyWikis Free plan that was available with a small security deposit. We planned to provide support for these security deposit-backed MyWikis Free wikis for several years, after which we would no longer be supporting them. Security deposit-backed MyWikis Free support officially ends on December 31, 2020. After this date, if the wiki is not moved to one of our paid plans or migrated off MyWikis, it will be deleted.

If your wiki is currently on the MyWikis Free plan and would like to move to a paid MyWikis plan such as MyWikis Basics or MyWikis Pro, please let us know before December 31, 2020.

Also, any current wikis on the security deposit-backed MyWikis Free plan would have been running for close to 5 years now, if not more. As this is a sufficiently long time for using the wiki, we will not be providing a refund for the $5 security deposit, which have gone towards covering your wiki's hosting costs.

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